
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Blissful Bump: Fertility Super Foods

More and more health care providers are recommending that women who want to have children prepare their bodies with a pre-conception diet packed with folic acid (folate), antioxidants, and ovulation-regulating foods for 3 to 6 months before they begin trying to conceive. Upon much reading and researching about pre-conception nutrition, I've discovered these fertility super foods:

1. Wild Caught Salmon. Omega Bliss! Omega-3s benefit a baby's brain and nervous system development and reduces risk of premature birth.

2. Plant-Based Protein : Nuts, Beans, and Seeds. Walnuts, almonds, pecans, and peanuts all provide the body with protein and good fat, but in all my research I've found that walnuts are the best for fertility with their protein, good fat, and omega-3s. Great bean choices: black beans & navy beans.

3. Avocado. Good Fats and sooooo delicious!!! If women don't get enough fat in their diet, they can't make enough hormones!

4. Leafy Greens. Raw Spinach is one of the best leafy greens. It contains large amounts of folic acid/folate (preventing neural tube defects and helps with egg development) and iron (preventing anemia in pregnancy when body makes more blood and helps build endometrial lining where egg is implanted).

5. Lemons & Other Citrus Fruits. Antioxidant Bliss! Plus Vitamin C is good for ovulation.

6. Full-Fat Dairy. Much reading from various sources has shown that full-fat dairy such as whole milk, cheeses and yogurt made with whole milk, and even ice cream, increase a woman's chances of conceiving. The more low-fat and non-fat dairy products women eat, the greater their risk of ovulatory infertility.

7. Eggs & Cauliflower. Each of these foods have multiple of benefits, but one lesser known advantage of these is they both contain choline. This, like folic acid, helps prevent neural tube defects which can occur in very early pregnancy (usually before a woman even knows she's pregnant). Choline also helps with the baby's brain function.

I could go into more detail...but I think this is a nice overview of some fertility super foods!

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